Welcome to our new 'Official' website! (formerly Pure Metal Motorsports)
Showtime Promotions will be having a demo derby October 22nd in Mt. Carmel IL. For more info contact Robert
@ rdcjrru12@yahoo.com .
As a team of two, we have five derby cars and one derby truck, which means a lot of work ahead of us! You
can check out our cars and truck on our Photo Album page. I will be placing some more 2004 pics as soon as I get
them developed.
The 2005 season is almost over and I am getting ready to start the 2006 schedule, so if you know of any derbies
for next year, email me and I will put that on our calendar!
Thanks for taking a look at my site. I'll be updating
frequently, so check back often.

Be sure to check out my links page!
Please take time to pray for our troops over sees!! Who knows, maybe one day Bush will let them come back home!
Also, if you can help the victims of Hurricane Katrina...DO IT!!!! For info on how to do so, you can check out my Charity
Let me know if you like my site! I will have a form on the 'Contact Me' page that you can fill out. I'm always
trying to improve my site, so let me know what you think!